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St Patrick's Primary School, Coalisland, Dungannon
Crazy Hair Daily Mile Friday 31st January
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We love Art time in P.4.

7th Feb 2023

We have been giving all aspects of Art a go this term: clay work, landscape painting, weaving with paper.

Hollie made 2 beautiful St. Brigid's crosses with her granda and we all had a go at using clay to make our own masterpiece.

Our Valentine's woven hearts are a lovely gift which we will fill with a thoughful present to remind someone special that we love them.

Thank you to Sinead McDermott from the 'Art and Design Factory' for giving us a tutorial over zoom at the beginning of Children's Mental Health Week. We listened and followed as she instructed us on how to paint a country landscape scene. We all did our best, and didn't they turn out great!