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St Patrick's Primary School, Coalisland, Dungannon
Admission to P1 2025/2026 Applications open on January 10th [Open Document]
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The Work Begins!

21st Apr 2017

At last the work has begun to dig the foundations for the first of the new double mobile at St. Patrick's! It is hoped to have these delivered on site during the week 4th - 12th May, 2017.

Diary Work Log:

Friday 21st April, 2017

Other people dig up treasure troves… historical artefacts worth thousands…. or bones from some ancient days of long ago….

Well, today, at St Patrick’s PS….

we discovered - a main power line for NIE going through the middle of the pitch… ummh

Monday 24th April, 2017

Not to be outdone, while the contractors wait for the power line to be re-rooted, demolition of the first of the two old mobile units will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, and these will be the first to be replaced.

Tuesday 25th April, 2017

The diggers, the skips and the workmen are on site for 7:40am and have moved into the back yard to start the mobile extraction – this will be a totally painless event except for the cheers when we see the beginning of the end of the well-served mobiles go forever tomorrow, Wednesday – fingers crossed….