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St Patrick's Primary School, Coalisland, Dungannon
Crazy Hair Daily Mile Friday 31st January
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Star Pupils of Friday 28th April 2023

28th Apr 2023

Congratulations to all the Bright Shining Stars from P1 - P7! Special Pupil Award for determination and resilience went to Rhys, P3, what a shining example of getting up and going on when faced with challenge!!

In addition, congratulations to Logan and Harry for completing the London Mini Marathon last weekend - superb achievement boys and what an example for others to follow!!

Congratulations also to Lian and and Cara our P7 pupils who won 2nd and 3rd place in the Art Design Competition for KS2 pupils for Fleadh Thír Eoghan this year!! Both pupils will be presented with their prizes tonight in recognition of their excellent poster designs!!