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St Patrick's Primary School, Coalisland, Dungannon
Admission to P1 2025/2026 Applications open on January 10th [Open Document]
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Shared Education Celebration Morning at St Patrick's

8th Jun 2019

Congratulations to every pupil for making Annaghmore Adventures a success during 2018/19. P1 - P3 were the focus for the celebration this year alongside representatives for each year group from both schools. Many thanks to the Governors and PTA members from Orchard County PS and from St Patrick's who took time out to share the morning with us. Your great support is much appreciated.

Thank you to Steph, our link officer for Sh Education for the last two years who is moving on to a new position with the Education Authority in July. Steph has been a mentor and guide to us in this joint venture and we wish her very success in her new post.

A final word must go to CASE Peace IV for the great opportunities that have been afforded our schools through Shared Education. We are looking forward to another chapter in Annaghmore Adventures in 2019/20.